Sunday, September 13, 2015

Garbage Dumping in kaligandaki river perilous to health

Both the human wellbeing and amphibian creatures are in danger because of junk dumping in the Kaligandaki and Myagdi Rivers. 
The waste from the area is gathered at locale base camp Beni Bazaar and dumped on the banks of the Kaligandaki River close Ratopahiro. 
The waterway water is dirtied with the junk in this way influencing the human wellbeing and the lives in water. 
Indeed, even the sewerages are exhausted in the Kaligandaki River. Five tractors of trash dumped day by day on the stream bank has dirtied the waterway as well as exuded stench which has demoralized the travelers to Muktinath and Galeshwor. 
The aficionados think that its foul to have a sacred plunge in the stream on distinctive religious celebrations. 
Local people said they have started experiencing different skin illnesses for showering in the contaminated stream. 
Notwithstanding the Beni region, the general population from Parbat and different spots in Myagdi area strew and dump refuse indiscriminately in the stream. 
Be that as it may, the district said it was looking for different option for the Ratopahiro to deal with the rubbish, however yet to discover. 
Nepali Congress region secretary Madhav Regmi educated that time has come to define an arrangement to look for an option place for dumping. 
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